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Here you can find international projects of the Federal Forest Research Center (BFW).

RE-ENFORCE – Transnational Cooperation on nature-based solutions for restoring degraded forests of Central Europe - Project RE-ENFORCE

The forests of Central Europe provide a diverse range of ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, protective functions, biodiversity support, and job creation, while also serving as cost-effective measures for climate protection. However, the effects of climate change are increasingly threatening forest ecosystems and presenting them with major challenges in terms of adapting to changing climatic conditions and protecting biodiversity.

Wiese mit kleinen Tannen im Vordergrund

Climate Change Threatens the European Forest Carbon Sink, But Assisted Migration Offers Hope -

A new study published today in the journal Nature Climate Change reveals that simply planting more trees in Europe won't be enough to effectively combat climate change and preserve the continent's terrestrial carbon sink.

Baumstamm mit Höhlen

The European network Integrate - Network

As early as the COST Action E27 on the harmonization of protected forest areas (2002-2006), it became clear that protected forest areas in the strict categories account for only around 3% of Europe's forest area. The question therefore remains: what is happening in terms of biodiversity conservation in the remaining 97% of the forest?

Research institutes highlight the importance of forests for the prosperity and competitiveness of Europe - IUFRO Congress

Europe can get much more from its forests, say five European forest research institutes. For this, Europe needs to build innovative industrial systems that can rely on sustainable sourcing from European forests.

Zwei Männer stehen im Wald in messen Baumstämme im Rahmen der Waldinventur ab

MoniFun Project kicked off - MoniFun Project

New EU Project strives to enhance European Forest Monitoring.

Drei Wanderer an einem See mit Wald im Hintergrund

WeNaTour – The European Alliance for Innovation and Sustainability Education in Welfare, Nature, and Tourism - WeNaTour Project

WeNaTour is a European project funded by the Erasmus+ program aimed at training new professionals for sustainable tourism and exploring emerging markets, while keeping the well-being of local communities and the preservation of the environment at the core of its strategies, towards a more responsible and sustainable future.

High Five - Project

Measures for the conservation of native tree species of the Ethiopian Highlands: Linking genetic conservation to re-establishment of species diverse forests.

Zwei Männer im Schnee mit Messgeräten

Protection Forests in the Alpine Region – Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change - Project MOSAIC

Climate change is undeniably contributing to the increase in weather- and climate-related natural disasters, affecting Alpine communities. Natural disasters are often the result of compound events, which are combinations of multiple climate- and/or weather-related hazards that contribute to societal or environmental risks.

Wald mit mehreren Douglasien

Correctly assessing non-native tree species in the Alpine region - ALPTREES Project

Robinia, Douglas fir and red oak were introduced to Europe several hundred years ago and are among the 530 tree species that are non-native to Europe. The international ALPTREES project has developed a risk assessment system for this purpose and published manuals on the management of non-native tree species in forests and urban areas.

Aufsicht auf eine Berglandschaft mit vielen gefallenen Bäumen

Transboundary Storm Risk and Impact Assessment in Alpine Regions - TRANS-ALP Project

In the framework of the UCPM project TRANS-ALP institutions from Italy and Austria are working together to improve the impact prediction of storm events for the area Trentino-Alto Adige/South Tyrol, Veneto as well as East Tyrol and the respective bordering regions.

Laubholzwald mit einem rot markierten Baumstamm rechts

Evidence-based cultivation recommendations in climate change - Research project

Research cooperation for the realization of sustainable and climate-adapted forest conversion.

Ansicht eines Bergwaldes mit Wasserfall in Rumänien

New Green Deal project (SUPERB) aims to improve forest restoration and ecosystem services -

Science and practice from across Europe are joining forces under the leadership of the European Forest Institute to ensure the long-term development of biodiversity and ecosystem services of our forests. The Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW) is contributing its expertise in silviculture, genetics and conservation in regeneration and afforestation measures to this effort.

Wald in Serbien

Twinning Serbia - Improvement of forest management in Serbia as a contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation

In 2013 the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between the EU and the Republic of Serbia entered into force. Article 1 Section 2 (d) of the SAA states that the aim of the Association established is "to support the efforts of Serbia to develop its economic and international cooperation, including through the approximation of its legislation to that of the Community".

Development of a concept for the provision of forest reproductive material in Ethiopia - Juniperus procera

Ethiopia has embarked on one of the globally most ambitious programs of forest landscape restoration (FLR) with a commitment to restore more than 20 million hectare of degraded forest landscapes within the next 20 years